Monday, December 6, 2010

Can't seem to stop writing.

As no one is with me right now, this is my only outlet. I should be studying but my mind is so out of focus. I have to rely on the fact that this class is review and that I know the material. I just hope I can focus for long enough to read the questions and give the answers. I have severe ADD right now, and why shouldn't I? Life has just hit me with one of the hardest trials I have faced so far. I know it will not be of short duration, either. Having watched my best friend go through it, I know I have an idea of what will happen. I'm hoping he is being admitted to the hospital right now, if not now, then very soon. Last night they did not have a bed available for him. Having done my nursing school clinicals there, I know they will help him. My mother in law will be here soon. Hopefully in the next hour to hour and a half. I have not heard from her yet today, but her plan was to leave very early. I am hopeful, yet worried; I am strong, yet severely shaken. I can only have faith that this will pass, and in a positive way. My mind does not want to focus on the positive, but I have to hope.

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