Monday, March 28, 2011

Some Updated Booger Pics!

Boob Face

Lifting his head

Sleeping on Mommy

The crib Daddy is building


I just got the call. Kyle got into Eller College of Business at the University of Arizona. We weren't sure if he was going to, and were coming up with a contingency plan that involved moving to God knows where. The big deal is, this is the #1 public school for his program in this country. We were concerned that if he didn't get in, we were going to have to pay Ivy League tuition to get him into a comparable school. We also would have likely had to move to the east coast. This, however, does not have to happen. We get to stay here, in my own personal hell for two more years, and I am actually relieved.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Next time

Yes, after having a kid, there will definitely be a next time. In fact, having him solidified the fact that I not only want one, but two more. There are a few other things that I've learned from that experience as well.

1. I will hire a doula. There are a few things that I think having one would've helped with.
2. No medications, at all! The one I tried made me dumb and sick. Didn't do anything for the pain.
3. NO VISITORS!! At least not right away again. There is absolutely no way to get to know your infant, establish breastfeeding, and get any rest with visitors around. As much as they want to help, the best thing they can do is drop off food and LEAVE.

If you dismiss what I say, I will probably do the same with any advice you give. I have the biggest F-U for all of the people who said Rowan would end up sleeping with us. We put him in his bed to sleep. If he fusses, it usually only lasts a few minutes before he is asleep. He usually spends this time vocalizing to make his objections known. Not crying, just yelling. Dismissing someone else's ideas because they didn't work for you is pretty shitty. Especially when they've worked for so many people over the years.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

My boobs leaked!!

I know, funny thing to get excited about, but this low supply thing has me kinda sad. Hopefully they'll keep working.